Sunday, August 19, 2012

Currie's Gratitude 19 August 2012

BE Visible Ó2012 Currie Silver

Dare yourself to BE seen
Come out from the shadows
Sing out loud
Dance in the rain

Visible is one of those words I thought I understood until A] I lived with it as my word-of-the-year in 2011; and B] I looked it up and really considered its definitions more closely.

BEing Visible, I must admit, still manages to elude me. Ever since I was a little girl I have BElieved that if I hide you won’t see me. If I close MY eyes I’ll BE invisible. If I don’t speak up I won’t BE heard. [which, I have discovered, also assures me that no one will listen]

How DO I get seen, noticed, and have attention paid to me?! What is the magic key that unlocks that box?!

And, HOW is it that I want to BEcome Visible??!!

I am grateful for the time and energy I have spent trying to understand the concept of BEing Visible. For how easily I can see my ways of staying or BEcoming Invisible. And most of all for finding a few paths through the Forest of Visibility.

I am grateful for the nuances of BEcoming and allowing myself Visibility. For those ways I have stretched and built my strength and capacity for BEcoming positively Visible.

I love you, Currie

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