Friday, August 17, 2012

Currie's Gratitude 17 August 2012

BE Yourself Ó2012 Currie Silver 

BE Yourself
You’re the only one

As I go along through this mining of Plan BE, I am constantly struck by the choices of things I made. But it probably took very little to choose of the Y-words, Yourself. Of course, I may BE thinking more about good and bad, judging, and deflecting. It happens.

Lately, BEing MYself has been a little exhausting and even overwhelming, at times. I’ve caught myself comparing, contrasting, and worst of all, ASSUMING. And the worst thing about DOing these things is that I don’t get a reality check. The thoughtsandfeelings just pop up and then stay, like facts.

I have ALWAYS loved learning. I suppose that I always WILL. However… what I haven’t loved is grading, judging, and comparison. I think that nothing kills the Spirit in a person the way that trifecta can.

I am grateful for the awareness of what happens in me, how my brain works. What is challenging me is stepping away and having the proper perspective. As much as I want to BE and AM myself, sometimes, perspective on that someone is missing. Only in stepping away, or back, can I see clearly.

There is nothing unique about this, I am certain. I think it’s just the Human Condition…

I love you, Currie

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