Monday, July 16, 2012

Currie's Gratitude 16 July 2012

BE Patient. BE Quiet. BE Amazed.


BE Patient
Practise Tolerance
Explore Serenity.
BE Quiet
Practise Calm
Explore Silence.
BE Amazed
Practise Astonishment
Explore Surprise.

I remember that time, BEfore I needed to TRY BEing Patient. The time when I could wait without feeling Less, Deprived, or Left Out. I remember when I simply accepted that things and especially people take time. When it wasn’t experienced as “taking time” only as How It Is.

I know that my greatest shortcoming is my regular use of Too Many Words. Spending so much time in my own company, I noticed this almost straightaway. But I didn’t really realise it for several years. And Now BEing Quiet [quieter] is my major focus, which I surprisingly lose more often than I maintain it.

BEing Amazed is almost as easy as breathing. I notice things round about me, I see Life’s magic everywhere. Since the family moved into the front house I have had such fun BEing amazed by 4 and 5 year olds. I’ve been thinking [er, assuming?!] that teaching “older” kids was what I wanted most to DO, but in the past 6 weeks of little people in my World, literally, I know that was what I thought would “win approval.” I am especially glad for this realisation…

Life sure is funny…

I love you, Currie

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