Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Currie's Gratitude 22 January 2013

Steering is often trusting
You can see what’s ahead
And knowing you’re aware
Of what’s BEhind.

Steer with confidence… A strange and curious prompt. On a morning when wide awake a 1:30, I didn’t wake fully again until past 6. In BEtween was an interesting “movie” in my head. The cast all familiar. The subject matter both enlightening and distressing…

This is NOT the first [nor DO I imagine the last] time I have had this peculious set of circumstances take hold of my night’s sleep. I try my very best NOT to fight it. I refuse to let it sweep me away and plunk me in the midst of the doldrums. I try simply to carry on with confidence.

Who knew one needed steering capability in order to sleep?!

As I am getting and going on about these giraffes I’m drawing, I wanted to share this one. I had a long strip of paper I’d cut from something I printed and I saw immediately that these “saves” would BE grand for drawing giraffes and their long, long, looooooong necks. So I did. And then I spent time colouring them. And painting. Then scanning and digital fiddling.

These are areas of New Confidence for me. 21 days into the month and I’m steering through them with tremendous confidence!!

I love you, Currie

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