Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Currie's Gratitude 2 October 2012

Ó 2012 Currie Silver

Adventures make Life more amazing
Learning infuses Life with JOY
And Fear is NOT needed
NOT Ever
For Always

As Life unfolds, and Time goes on, I find myself growing easily into someone I’d imagined yet NOT really BElieved I could BE. It’s a funny thing, an amusing insight. Yet there is no denying I have BEcome less awestruck by FEAR, more open to Adventure, and willing to embrace my every learning edge with JOY.

Great JOY.

It is nothing BUT cause for deep juicy Gratitude.

This is one of the times in the year that I often recall with great clarity. Perhaps BEcause it is Timmy’s birthday coming up, the first week in October is a slow motion sort of time. Of course, I am also aware of much that I have forgotten, Let Go, and simply overwritten. And it is good, all of it. I’ve no need to BE or DO “more” than just this.

It’s been a wondrous 6 months since I sold GraceLand and BEgan this new chapter of MY Life. I’d never have imagined all of “THIS” would come to BE. That where it has taken me, where I find myself living and enJOYing Life as it is and as it is NOT could BE HERE…

I love you, Currie

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