Sunday, June 9, 2013

Currie's Gratitude 9 June 2013

Nearing the day of my birthday, I will sometimes catch myself reflecting on birthdays past, on others’ birthdays, and on the crazy amazingness of Life on this planet. How we celebrate one another, how we cherish memories of BEginnings, and especially how it feels to both love and BE loved.

Most late afternoons, were you to BE looking, you would find Gracie and me winding down our day with a special treat we love to share. I will get out an apple and our bag of carrots, make myself a cup of tea, slice the apple, count out 8 baby carrots, and sit on the ottoman while Gracie perches on the chair-and-a-half.

For the next half hour or so we indulge in our treat. We celebrate another day. We enJOY each other’s silly yet fiercely loving companionship.

It is glorious. Truly. Few things in Life have given me more sheer wonder and deLIGHT.

Yet how simple a thing…

On Gracie’s birthday LAST year I took her “into town” for a doggie yogurt. Shortly after, GraceLand moved from the Wee Cottage, and the yogurt place closed. Her last birthday, in March, we were both a bit too shaken and stirred to go out and celebrate so we invented our little ritual.

And so every day’s BEcomes a celebration Now

I love you, Currie

1 comment:

Rita said...

Happy for you both! Beautiful days before you lie. :):)