If only I’d learned
to love this idea BEfore I was old
enough to NEED a nap again… lions and tigers and bears OH MY!!!
Yet the important piece/peace is I get it. Now. I embrace it. Now. And I DO it. NOW!!!
I’ve learned, too, that a nap is NOT always or even usually
about going to bed and to sleep for awhile during the awake time of my day. Who
knew?! Did YOU?! I surely wish, if you DID, that you’d told me…
A nap is a wee time out in the midst of living a day. It
might include sleeping. Or lying down. Or bed. Yet really it is more a state of
mind and BEing that pauses. Stops. Turns off. Unplugs. RESTS. Until energy and
motivation and inspiration are back running at peak capacity.
When Timmy was little and still took naps, sometimes a
couple of them, I used those times to rush about and DO and very rarely had the
wisdom to rest. To pause. To refresh my own batteries. I remember vaguely
thinking it would BE a good time for me to take advantage of yet I took the
wrong sort of advantage.
Nowadays a nap can BE just sitting and looking out the
window awhile.
Or simply and quietly pausing.
I love you, Currie