Thursday, February 21, 2013

Currie's Gratitude 21 February 2013

Unconditionality usually applies to Love. Yet when I consider it as a gift I can give, I see where it has as profound an effect on things NOT considered “Love-like” at all.

Case in point, the unconditionality of Time.

When I BEgan making art again after way many decades of stuffing it in the bottom of the bottom box in the way back of some garage I may have lived in but am NOT entirely sure when, I had absolutely no clue WHAT to DO or Where to BEgin.

Enter Gracie. A deLIGHTful subject to photograph and Ah-Hah!! Now we have digital cameras so no film to slow me down.

AND… I can play with my photos of her with zero restrictions. [other than, of course, my own willingness to make mistakes, lots and lots of mistakes]

I remember where and why I stopped thinking I could BE an artist. I stopped in college BEcause I wasn’t as good as and certainly NOT good enough.

With no one to grade me, nor anyone to compare myself to, I have had the freedom to run wild and free, make mistakes, try again, and most of all, SEE WHAT HAPPENS IF…

This unconditionality of Time is really quite a remarkable thing. No limits. No restrictions. Only my desire to PLAY.

I love you, Currie

1 comment:

Anke Martin said...

Beautiful! Thank you for a great post, that just spoke to me deep inside :)))) Smiles to you Anke :)