Saturday, February 16, 2013

Currie's Gratitude 16 February 2013

The gift of prayer is both given and received, yet the spectrum across which this happens isn’t always in view. That is part of the mystery and the magic of prayer.

I often wonder, when I pray, is this how others pray?! Am I DOing this right?! Is there a “right way” to pray?!

Mostly I don’t get answers to these questions, yet asking them is enough to loosen the lid…

I haven’t always seen prayer this simply. In fact, I used to BE a Very Determined To Get My Way, dammit, sort of pray-er. [see, it even shoes up in my writing!!!]

Now when I pray it is less of a production than ever. Oftentimes it has no words, no pictures, nothing of “substance” that one could “hold” and say, AH!! This is Currie’s Prayer.

Much of my prayer is in my breath, in my thoughts, and in the space BEtween breaths and thoughts.

Out loud my prayers are one-word, oftentimes just a sound or a look upward. Sometimes they are wrapped in laughter or simply a smile. Those are sometimes my favourites, but then… with me and prayers, favourites don’t always dance well together. Let me just say those are often the ones I remember longest.

In the end, prayer is just my turning toward connection.

I love you, Currie

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