Thursday, January 9, 2014

Currie's Gratitude 9 January 2014

In our development, as we grow throughout our lives, the structure of our beliefs becomes very complicated, and we make it even more complicated because we make the assumption that what we believe is the absolute truth.  [Miguel Angel Ruiz]

Assuming anything seems utterly and completely dangerous. It is NOT that I think all assumption should BE done away with, but I’ve rarely met an assumption that didn’t lack something essential.

My assumption when I began writing was that you were never going to make any money. And you were never going to reach everyone. Therefore you had to do as much as you could in the service of something you genuinely believed in. And if you do that and people get upset, well, there you go.
[Dorothy Allison]

When I went to college I wanted to BE an artist. I wanted to BE something I thought learning and following a certain path would let me BEcome.

Pretty quickly I learned that at that time in that school the idea of artist was something that didn’t match my idea of artist.

For years then, I put my focus and energy elsewhere. Assuming that the 18-year old me had it down. So it is no surprise to me, at 60, to BE finding out how wrong my assumptions were…

I love you, Currie

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