Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Currie's Gratitude 24 July 2013

I’ve heard the joke about BEing so poor that you can’t afford to pay attention… I don’t find it as funny as I DO thought-provoking. What DOES it cost to BE attentive, to PAY whatever it costs to BE aware, awake, and attuned?!

I’ve NOT been so good at this. I’ve been a half-listening and half-baked participant in many a conversation. I’ve thought MORE about what I am going to say, what I think or feel or BElieve than I’ve thought attentively about what YOU [or he or she or they or even the situation at hand] were saying, DOing, or concerned with.

However, as I learn to navigate Life with little in the way of financial means, I’ve grown rich in the attention I pay. And pay gladly.

I’ve learned to listen to what isn’t spoken. I’ve discovered the jaw-dropping JOY of BEing Present in a moment of confused awakening. And, NOT least, NOT by a longshot, I have learned to pay attention to myself.

Paying attention is, for me, an honour, a privilege, and quite assuredly a blessing. I’ve BEcome a listener and have, little by slow bit, BEcome less of a talker. [that still is a work-in-progress ;~D]

I enJOY paying attention and I DO it gladly. I’m richer Now, by far, in this way.

I love you, Currie

1 comment:

Rita said...

How often we skim the surface of life when we are not paying attention! :)