Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Currie's Gratitude 17 September 2014

An end result, clearly acted upon with expectation, will always force the circumstances necessary to bring about its own manifestation, no matter how unpredictable, unlikely, or even “impossible” those circumstances my have previously seemed. [The Universe,]

Somedays my perpetual calendar is the first place I BEgin to think capturable thoughts. This one, this has stopped me BEfore, too. And NOT in my favourite way.

There is Big Trouble in Expectations. I used to feel far differently. I used to think one day I would train my mind to BE what I thought it should BE. And somewhere along my way I lost that desire.

Nowadays I like to imagine possibilities. And, after 2+ really good days with my brother last week, I am opening up to the possibilities of visitors or even some visiting. On my own. But NOT driving. With Gracie, preferably, but Now that she has second homes and a growing extended family, I can go solo.

I am ready. For what’s up. For whatever. For colouring outside the lines and for making “strong offers.” I might lose all my steam in a blink, but I am up for Life as long as it is mine to enJOY.

Life can BE astonishingly full with possibility. Just use those eyes inside your heart.

Yeppie-doodle. Those. ;~D

I love you, Currie


Carol said...

This post makes me smile inside. ♥ Love and Hugs and all of the healing I can send your way .

Rita said...

Sounds like great possibilities lie before you!! :)