Saturday, December 28, 2013

Currie's Gratitude 28 December 2013

I've always been really curious about things and slightly confused by the world, and I think someone who feels that way is in a good position to be the one asking questions.  [Terry Gross]

I was writing earlier about my word for 2014. I had already sort of decided it was going to BE Serve, Service, Serving… But then I realised that it was my brain that chose that and NOT that which chose ME.

The past 3 years, my words [Visible, Discipline, Enough] have turned my World inside out and upside down. In a great way. In great wayS, actually. NOT one of which I could have planned out.

So Now I am going to Keep Asking. What is the word for 2014 for me?! And I invite you to offer one for my consideration, too.

I'm always asking questions - not to find 'answers,' but to see where the questions lead. Dead ends sometimes? That's fine. New directions? Interesting. Great insights? Over-ambitious. A glimpse here and there? Perfect.  [Lesley Hazleton]

This is true for me, too. I am NOT always interested in the answers to my questions. I am interested in what happens when I send them out into the World. While answers are nice, they usually only prompt me to ask, Tell Me More, Please.

I love you, Currie

1 comment:

Rita said...

Sounds like maybe "question" might be your word? It is the only way we grow and learn wonderful things--being open to asking questions. ?? :)