Monday, November 25, 2013

Currie's Gratitude 25 November 2013

To accuse others for one's own misfortunes is a sign of want of education. To accuse oneself shows that one's education has begun. To accuse neither oneself nor others shows that one's education is complete. [Epictetus]

This is a concept I have been working with for several years. I used to think I was only complete if… and so often it was the case that my “ifs” were NOT my “ises,” NOT by a long shot.

Just yesterday I was thrown into the mix of pointing the finger outward. It’s humbling yet exhilarating to realise the errors in my own way…

I have an almost complete disregard of precedent, and a faith in the possibility of something better. It irritates me to be told how things have always been done. I defy the tyranny of precedent. I go for anything new that might improve the past. [Clara Barton]

While I don’t think for a moment the Past can BE changed, I DO strongly BElieve there is always the possibility for improvement and growth.

In my own mind I am often kept chained by BEliefs that limit me, hold me down, and make me less capable of BEing a possibilitarian. When I am willing to toss my chains off and step into the Possibility Place…

Amazing things those Possibilities!!

I love you, Currie


denthe said...

LOVE your style ....

Rita said...

The idea of ever being "complete" has never crossed my mind, I guess. Sounds boring. Like how I envisioned heaven when I was a kid--people sitting about on clouds playing harps--(boring!!)--LOL! There is always something to learn or to experience around the corner. There is always more growth of spirit and mind. What would being complete entail? You gave me something to ponder today. ;)