Friday, September 13, 2013

Currie's Gratitude 13 September 2013

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle. [Albert Einstein] 

I’m a big fan of Keeping Life Simpler. I look for bottom lines and try always to reduce things to their most basic. I am NOT saying I don’t enJOY nuance and depth, BEcause clearly I DO, but I like things to BE as simple as possible. It’s easier that way, to really FEEL Life and BE alive in it Right Now.

Sometimes I complicate the most basic. I invent and I pretty much always overwhelm myself in the process. So lately I have been practising living like Einstein talked about. And the funny thing is there are many more miracles than I’d ever imagined…

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. [A. A. Milne]  

This is my idea of companionship. To BE. To last. To NOT leave BEhind nor BE left BEhind. I know if you unpack all that it might sound a bit odd, even scary, but I don’t mean it to BE. It’s just what I think would BE the best design.

How about you?! How DO YOU live Life?! 

I love you, Currie

1 comment:

Rita said...

Love Einstein's quote. One of my favorites. How do I live life? I know it is fragile and miraculous and that, no matter how much I might try to cling to someone or something, life always changes and shifts. Sometimes very gradually and slowly--sometimes like a violent blow to the chest--but nothing remains the same. I've had my share of sudden shifts. It has taught me the thrilling gratitude for calm, quiet days of small miracles and peace and slow change. ;)