Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Currie's Gratitude 22 July 2014

I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.   [Gerry Spence, How to Argue & Win Every Time: At Home, At Work, In Court, Everywhere, Everyday]

Sometimes people can BE challenging, eh?! Even if their intentions are good?! Still I am saying it and I am concluding that this is just Life BEing Life. We human people can BEcome so firm in our BEliefs that oftentimes Wonder canNOT find its way in. Or out…

We are headed toward the unknown, and we have no choice but to sit quietly in our hard seats and let ourselves be taken there.   [Christina Baker Kline, Orphan Train]

Tomorrow chemo BEgins for me. I’ve been reminded of past times feeling puny and have tried to accommodate an assortment of needs or wants once the train leaves the station. I am glad I am able to follow the bouncing ball and sit quietly in my NOT-too hard seats of all sorts on this ride called My Life. Right Now.

Our worries and concerns are expressions of our inability to leave unresolved questions unresolved and open-ended situations open-ended.   [Henri Nouwen, Reaching Out]

There is no script on this, no last pages I can read to see how this story unfolds. So it is extra-specially sweet sharing it with YOU.

I love you, Currie

1 comment:

Carol said...

Thinking of you today as you enter this new phase... sending lots of love..thoughts of peace and all the healing energy I can drum up.